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Can composite decking hold the weight of a hot tub?

Can composite decking hold the weight of a hot tub?

Posted by adrac on August 27, 2022

Can composite decking hold the weight of a hot tub?

The short answer: absolutely! Let’s all agree on one thing. Nobody wants to worry about falling through the floor whilst relaxing in a hot tub. You may think that this isn’t often a consideration when purchasing composite decking but believe us, it is! With the serenity of the summer blaze casting down upon us this season, these kinds of thoughts only intensify.

So how much can the deck boards hold?

Now, if you've got a penchant for simmering down with an array of bubbles (we don't mean the champers this time), you can see why folks choose composite decking as a resting point for their new hot tubs. With each of Deckorum deck boards, there is a weight bearing capacity of 400kg every 250mm squared, or that’s 1.6 tonnes per square metre! Hot tub’s generally weigh around 250kg to 648kg (your standard 5-seater tub) or higher. This means the capacity that Deckorum boards can bear is more than enough to rest a jacuzzi on, if not more than one. You may want to see the proof for this. And we’ve got you. Our website includes the test results and technical specification in which Deckorum boards were above average on the Rockwell R Hardness Test, an industry standard testing system for composite decking boards.

Strength in Unity, as they say…

You may have heard this before, ‘what is underneath matters most’, only this applies quite literally when it comes to your purchase of composite decking. Another vital factor of certifying the security of your hot tub on top of your decking includes the right subframe. Luckily, we supply this too. To understand the correct framework, you would have to base this on your groundwork and what may or may not need adjusting before placing the frame down, such as on unstable terrain like grass or soil. When selecting your frame to place under the hot tub, please note that composite joists are not suitable as a load bearing support and it is therefore recommended to use wood lumber, in which we have ours under ‘Treated Timber’; a long-lasting, high pressure treated joist to ensure longevity. Alternatively, you can use plastic Lumber which is not only sturdy but has a lifespan of over a hundred years. See our installation guide that demonstrates the simple D-I-Y method of fixing together your frame.

The techie stuff

Deckorum boards are anti-slip for when you get out, so no worrying about sliding across your deck boards after a relaxing evening. As opposed to wooden deck boards that could splinter or fade due to the continuous compression of the hot tub underlay bearing its weight upon the wooden board, our anti-fade & anti-rot technology ensures you wouldn’t need to think about the water affecting the colour of your Deckorum deck boards; cannonball to your heart’s content!