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4 ways to go green

4 ways to go green

Posted by adrac on December 25, 2022


As we are becoming more conscious of the environmental impact we are causing. Eco friendly garden are the alternative and effective method to combat this. Whether it be from our use of transport to recycling habits, this can also come down to how we run our homes.

To create a eco friendly garden, the aim is to reduce the waste and ecological footprint caused to lower our own impact, and as a plus, these methods are also very budget-friendly!

Eco Friendly Garden Furniture

Using garden furniture allows us to tailor our outdoor space to our own liking, enabling it to become a place of comfort to dine, relax or even socialise. Although, many do not consider the environmental issues that using non-sustainable furniture can cause due to the excessive circulation of the materials, as well as the chemicals that go in to their production. You can now purchase furniture that is created with bio-composite technology. And which includes the process of combining recyclable materials with plant fibres to lower their CO2 production. This does not only repurpose the waste materials. But the furniture can then be recycled once you no longer require it, undergoing the same process continuously.

Avoid peat for a Eco Friendly Garden

Peat is made from vegetation that has decayed many thousands of years ago and is generally used as an alternative to regular compost. We have discovered that throughout the years of use. Gardeners are discovering the negative impact that the peat has environmentally within their own gardens. Peat bogs are often a wildlife attraction, and to mine for the material within. Then destroys their habitat as well as storing extremely large amounts of carbon. Enabling them to release several greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

The bogs are also commonly used to soak water up which means it would reduce the impact of flooding. As peat takes a long time to develop (longer than mining). It is more of an impact on the environment than many would think. Instead, you can opt for compost that is free of peat in gardening stores, or DIY your own at home. This will also save you money, whilst making the best out of your green gardening option.

Try your hand at upcycling

We often have the habit of throwing away items we no longer need. However, a sustainable option is to upcycle the items when possible. Wooden pallets that often come with gardening materials or garden centres have in high supply are usually thrown away to your local skip. However, with DIY skills you can quickly learn yourself. Also you can transform these pieces into wooden planters, tables and other furniture. You can use it for fencing or other means such as turning it into décor. Plastic containers can be upcycled into plant pots. And empty used jars can be transformed into garden lighting with small tea lights and décor. There are many ways to repurpose items once you delve into that world!

And of course: composite decking

Composite decking is a low maintenance option to decking alternatives such as wooden decking which splinters or lower quality decking that can often fade. These alternatives usually cause you to spend more on the cleaning and fixing of the colouring, resulting in an increased use of unnatural chemicals. Deckorum decking is manufactured with recycled materials, making it a popular alternative to classic timber decks. With the mix of high pigment bonding agents, you would not have to concern yourself with the upkeep of the wooden finish or decking colour as this is guaranteed to last longer than standard decking boards. As the composite decking boards are eco friendly, they also release a low amount of carbon in comparison, further lowering your ecological footprint. The materials used within the manufacturing process are also non-toxic, ensuring it is safe for pets and wildlife too!