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Is composite decking good for the environment

Is composite decking good for the environment

Posted by adrac on November 27, 2022

The future of the planet is the talk of the village, the global village that is, and it has been for several years. But with each passing year, the demand for everyone to do more to sustain the planet has intensified. At times it can feel like the little daily acts we are all asked to do to “do our bit” aren’t actually making a difference, or not a sufficient enough difference. That isn’t the case. Small incremental changes across many facets of life, over a long enough period, will compound and make a difference for sure. Whether that change can come soon enough to stop us going over the “tipping point” remains to be seen. That being said, it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t at least try.

Plastic and pollution

Pollution caused by plastic is one of the main concerns globally, as it has a drastic impact on the environment. Just to give you some perspective, the WEF has determined that over 30% of the plastic produced each year ends up in the oceans. This equates to around 1500 truck loads of plastic waste ending up in the oceans every single day of the year, all year around. This is evident to see when beaches are frequented. Around three quarters of all waste on beaches is plastic. It’s around 7 billion kilos of waste being pumped in to the ocean each year with the majority of it being plastic. At the current rate. It is estimated by the WEF, that by the year 2050, pound for pound. There will be more plastic waste in the sea than fish.

The issue with plastic is that it takes several lifetimes for it to decompose. A plastic bottle needs roughly 500 years to decompose. Meanwhile other products like containers made from Poly Ethylene Terephthalate, do not decompose at all. Even everyday products like plastic bags can take around 100 years to decompose. The bigger issue is that most of these plastic bags do not go through the recycling process. It’s estimated that less than one percent of plastic bags are recycled. The remainder ends up in landfills and in the ocean. In total only between 8-10% of all plastics are recycled with another roughly 12% being destroyed. The remaining 80% give or take is what ends up on landfills and oceans.

Composite decking good for environment and recycled plastic

It’s clear for all to see that plastics are a major cause for concern for the sustainability of the planet. This is especially true for the oceans and the multitude of living species that reside there. Ultimately, there’s no getting away from the fact that we humans are connected to the rest of the planet’s inhabitants and the planet itself. Sadly, we are the main catalyst of its destruction. So, the responsibility lies solely on us. As I mentioned earlier in the piece, no act is insignificant when it comes to making better choices for sustainability. It all compounds.

In striving to make the planet more sustainable, eco-friendly products go a long way. Composite decking planks are made from recycled plastic and wood. Composite decking is a good choice for the environment because it’s made from recycled plastic and wood. This eco-friendly alternative to traditional timber decking helps to reduce the amount of plastic waste in landfills and oceans. By opting for composite decking, not only are you helping to create a more sustainable future, but you’re also getting a product with a long lifetime cycle of over 25 years and minimal maintenance requirements. So, if you’re looking to do your part in creating a more sustainable planet, consider composite decking as a smart choice for your outdoor space.