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Autumn. The ideal garden project season

Autumn. The ideal garden project season

Posted by adrac on November 24, 2022

“coroners said at the post-mortem

died from a beautiful





Autumn “

Aaah Autumn! A paradoxical time of year. With all its rich and crisp colours that are beautiful to the eye, yet at the same time it can stir up a sense of the blues in folk with its dark and somewhat eventual barren days. And with it, many of us retreat to the comfort and warmth of the indoors, before winter hits. In that process, we neglect and leave behind our garden spaces with a view to bring it all back to life in the spring.

There is however, lots of benefits of working in the Autumn. Cooler days that aren’t as energy sapping as summer days toiling and sweating away in the garden, nor are they as cold and miserable as Winter. There’s still that freshness in the air, making it a pleasant time of year.

Spruce up the garden

As trees begin to shed naturally in autumn, there’s no getting away from time spent in the garden cleaning and clearing up those leaves. Whilst you’re there, it can be a great time to shape and trim any overgrown shrubs and trees. It can also be the ideal time to for repairing the lawn.

 Autumn Garden

Planting in Autumn: With the soil still being relatively warm and moist it can be the ideal time of year to plant. It’s generally not as dry and as hot as Spring nor overly cold and wet like the Winter months. Also, at this time of year, many of the pests you find in your garden in the summer tend to have died off, making it a lot easier to control any pests. This will assist with planting also. You will be allowing a longer time period for your plants to take root before they go dormant for the winter

Lots of deals to be had

Many nurseries and garden centres tend to have lots of discounts at this time of the year, as it is outside the main growing season. So, get yourself down to your local garden centre and see what bargains you can grab. There can be a price drop of up to 50% on many items, compared to what you could expect to pay in the summer months.

Plants aside, you will find many great deals in Autumn for lots of end of summer lines. Both online and instore, plentiful BBQs, Rattan furniture, patios, composite decking boards and the ilk will be at reduced prices, as suppliers try and entice buyers in the less busy seasons.


Lower prices for workmanship

In recent years there seems to be a shortage in the availability of good workmanship. Or at least it seems this way. Ring up a landscaper or a composite decking installer and often you’ll find they are fully booked up for large parts of the spring and summer months. With less demand in the colder months, you are one, more likely to get yourself a laborer, landscaper or composite decking installer and secondly, they  tend to cost a less.