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Environmental benefits of composite decking

Environmental benefits of composite decking

Posted by Deckorum Admin on April 13, 2023

The environmental benefits of composite decking in 2023

In today’s world, environmental concerns are at the forefront of everyone’s minds. We all want to do our part to protect the planet, and one way we can do that is by choosing eco-friendly products. When it comes to decking options, composite decking is a great choice for those who want to create a beautiful outdoor space without harming the environment. In this blog, we’ll explore the many environmental benefits of composite decking and why it’s a smart choice for homeowners who want to save the planet, one deck at a time.

Eco-Friendly Decking: What Is It?

Before we dive into the benefits of composite decking, let’s first define what we mean by eco-friendly decking. Eco-friendly decking refers to any decking material that’s designed to have a minimal impact on the environment. Traditional wood decking, for example, is often made from unsustainable sources that contribute to deforestation and other environmental problems. Eco-friendly decking options, on the other hand, are made from recycled materials or sustainable sources.

Composite decking is one of the most popular eco-friendly decking options available today. It’s made from a combination of recycled wood and plastic. This makes it a durable and sustainable choice for your outdoor space.

How Composite Decking Helps the Environment

Composite decking offers several benefits that make it an eco-friendly choice for homeowners. Let’s take a closer look at some of the ways that composite decking helps the environment.

Reduced Waste

One of the biggest benefits of composite decking is that it’s made from recycled materials. By using recycled wood and plastic, composite decking helps reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. This is a big deal because landfills are a major source of pollution and

can have a negative impact on the environment. By choosing composite decking, you’re helping to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and contributing to a cleaner, healthier planet.

Sustainable Materials

Another key benefit of composite decking is that it’s made from sustainable materials. Many manufacturers use recycled materials in their composite decking. This reduces the number of trees that need to be cut down to produce decking materials. Additionally, some manufacturers use sustainably sourced wood in their composite decking, which helps support responsible forestry practices and ensures that the planet’s natural resources are being used in a responsible way.

Long Lifespan

Composite decking is known for its durability and long lifespan. Unlike traditional wood decking, composite decking is resistant to rot, mold, and insects, which means that it lasts longer and requires less maintenance over time. This means that you won’t need to replace your decking as frequently, which reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and the amount of resources that need to be used to produce new decking materials.

Saving the Planet: Reduced Deforestation

Another important environmental benefit of composite decking is that it can help to reduce deforestation. Traditional wood decking is often made from tropical hardwoods, which are sourced from rainforests around the world.

These rainforests are vital ecosystems that provide habitat for countless species of plants and animals. When they’re cleared for logging


Reduced Energy Consumption

Another benefit of composite decking is that it requires less energy to produce than traditional wood decking. This is because composite decking is made using a manufacturing process that’s designed to minimize energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, composite decking doesn’t need to be treated with chemicals or stains, which further reduces the energy consumption and environmental impact associated with traditional wood decking.